Galamkar Fabric Art

   Ghalamkar fabric art which traditionally has many fans, Dating back to over 600 years produce Ghalmkar fabric  artists, in this field use wooden stamps. Wooden stamps which are used to print on the fabric are often made of walnut. the designer draws the patterns on paper and implement the patterns on wood by the use of pomegranate skin . After that the master bold and carve the patterns on wood with the aim of specific tool.


   To produce tapestry (Ghalamkar fabric) , raw and white cloth fabrics are washed with pomegranate skin in the river. This makes the fabric ready for printing. At this stage black paint  which is the original color is worked. To do that the wooden  stamp is dipped  in black paint and hit on the fabric to print  the pattern on it. after that  it turns red, blue and yellow paint which is worked like black.




When the clothes was decorated with patterns  and elaborated designs they steamed for at least an hour in order to  establish industrial paints that are blue and yellow. Then, taken to the riverbed and kept in some basins to be soaked well. Afterwards  they are  boiled in  some large copper vessels containing  pomegranate skin and liquid stabilizer. This establish herbal paints which are black and red. At the same time, they are turned upside-down by some wooden sticks and washed again in the Zayandeh Rood river, then spread on the banks to dry in the final stage.



   Ghalamkar fabric are usually offered to the Baazr in the form of tablecloth, cushions, bags, and other home products.
