Enameling Art
The art of decorating the metal surface with glowing colors was known in Iran from early times. The framework of the enamel dishes is usually made of copper. The coppersmith master makes the dishes according to any ordered shape and size.
After the copper vessels are ready, they are rinsed in the hydrochloric acid solution so any layer of oil or other material is removed. Then the dishes are glazed and heated each time in 600 to 900 degrees centigrade.
After glazing, the vessels are ready in white or any other desired glaze color to be painted by the enameling master.
After painting the glazed vessels, they are heated a couple of more times in the furnace, in a temperature between 400 to 600 degrees. The enamel objects are not affected by heat and fire and washable issuable by water. Enameled dishes can be used for different purposes like fruit bowls, sherbet pitchers, plates, mugs.